My interest lies in contemplating worlds in all its sociopolitical, commercial, ethical and infrastructural intricacies. I am embarking on an adventure of building worlds of my own. This adventure involves the pursuit of a utopian construct, where everything is sentient and where I allow myself a playful attitude towards the work. Part of this play involves the invention of fountains. I think of them as sensual, empathetic, welcoming and fertile. Totemic places of abundance. These fountains function in a novel and strange world, serving as a motherly influence on all surrounding habitats.
My practice is an organic type of world building, drawing on the intuitive nature of mycorrhizal networks and the strange workings of my imagination. It is open to and encourages tangents and side quests and serves as an antidote to the dystopian reality of our current context. A hopeful alternative, an intervention towards contemporary city living.